Jaunā Gaita nr. 317. vasara 2024






Jaunā Gaita is no longer printed and mailed to subscribers. Our magazine is e-mailed in printable PDF format free of charge to anyone who requests it. It will also be available for downloading on our website <jaunagaita.net>, and the contents will be available there in HTM format as well.



Selections of recent poetry are from Rinalds Einiks, Velta Kaltiņa, Elīna Līce, Laima Martinskis and Jānis Rokpelnis, as well as a poetic duet "Sajūtas"("Feelings"), composed jointly by Sandra Ratniece and Kristaps Vecgrāvis. Samples of the Russian-language poetry of Aleksejs Ivļevs (1956-2006) are given in Latvian translation by Sergejs Moreino.

Prose compositions are from Dagnija Dreika, Andris Dzenītis, Toms Jaunzems, Arno Jundze, Andra Manfelde, Patrīcija Preisa, Elīna Rudoviča and Vladis Spāre.


Journalist and theater critic Atis Rozentāls is news editor for the daily Diena in Latvia and now also a member of our editorial staff. He writes that this year for the first time it has been possible to view video recordings of amateur stage productions in the Latvian diaspora for the purpose of critically appraising them. Here he reviews a production of The Moors (Tīrelis, in Latvian) by New York based Jen Silverman, performed by Sanfrancisko jaunais teātris (San Francisco New Theater).

V I S U A L   A R T

Art editor Linda Treija is the Houston-based president of ALMA, the American Latvian Artists’ Association. She describes the career and art of painter/designer Aina Roman, a professor at Montgomery County Community College, PA. Many examples of Roman’s art are displayed throughout this issue and on its cover. Linda Treija also describes an exhibition of the work of ALMA artists in spring of this year in Philadelphia PA.

Sarma Muižniece Liepiņa of the Museum and Research Center "Latvians Abroad" (LaPa) describes an exhibition she curated in Rīga this spring, titled “The Amazing Folio – Janis Šternberg's graphic workshop in the Fischbach refugee camp in Germany, 1946-1949”.


Our music editor, composer Dace Aperāne, chairperson of TILTS, an organization for cultural interaction and enrichment between Latvians in Latvia and Latvians abroad, writes about the career of composer Maija Einfelde and describes concerts given this year in celebration of her 85th jubilee.

B O O K   R E V I E W S

  • Jūlija Dibovska reviews Vēlas turpmāk saukties (Wishes in Future to be Known As), a compendium of advice for book publishers, by Kristīne Želve and Vika Eksta.

  • Sanita Dāboliņa: Jōna, a novel of magic reality by Nora Ikstena.

  • Lāsma Gaitniece: Leo Kokle, a monograph album celebrating the centennial of the birth of artist Leo Kokle (1924-1964), by Ilze Konstante.

  • Vija Laganovska: Dzejas detektīvi (Detectives of Poetry), poetry from the writers’ collective “Tekstūra”.

  • Laimdota Ločmele: Vārnas (Crows), a Bildungsroman about growing up as an orphan, by Laura Vinogradova.

I N   M E M O R I A M

Publisher Laima Slava salutes poet/songwriter/singer Pāvils Johansons (10/18/1947 - 23/04/2024) on his journey into eternity.


Jaunā Gaita